Monday, January 05, 2015

Icky Sicky Haley Has a Cold

Out of things that happen in your average day to day life, getting a cold has to be one of the most utter crap things that can happen. For me, my cold has fallen on the first day of my new school which I was so looking forward to but couldn't because of this and about three feet of snow outside. I have spent the entire day indoors oddly enough wishing that I could be out learning but instead my head is pounding, my muscles are sore, and my nose is continually flowing like a not-so-beautiful fountain.

It probably doesn't help that I'm one of those people who doesn't like to take cold medication, I just like to tough it out so that I know when I'm actually getting better and I'm not wasting $40 to feel kinda sorta alright. In the end, there are few things that I can do to make myself feel better. I do however, have a list of things that do.

1. Take a long hot bath with some pretty smelling bath bombs and candles and a movie that you're dying to watch. Just relax. I know I tend to shy away from baths when I'm sick cause the heat makes me all sweaty when paired with my fever but I always feel better after sweating a little of the sick out.

2. Drink tea. Drink tea all day, every day. Drink tea like today is your last day. DRINK TEA AS THOUGH YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT... 'cause let's be honest, it kind of does.

3. Eat cookies and soup. Maybe limit yourself on the cookie intake but I know that things like cookies and soup just makes my mouth and throat happy and I have to say, it's nice to have a least one part of your body happy when the rest feels awful.

4. Take lots of naps. I don't care if it's 9 at night and I'll wake up at 1. Your body is tired and it needs it's rest to take care of itself. Listen to what it tells you and don't push it too much.

5. Lastly, drink lots of fluids. I know this is kind of a given and it's scientifically proven to help and it's not really a treat yo self kind of thing but whatever. Drink water, loads of it. Drink orange juice - less of it because it's just sugar but the vitamin C is so worth it. Just stay hydrated 'aight.

I honestly don't even know if any of that really makes sense and if my grammar is awful I am sorry but NOT SORRY. I'm sick, I don't have time for grammar. Sorry mom.


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