Saturday, January 10, 2015

Feeling Overwhelmed.

So i've recently started school, yeah?

this is a little bit how I'm feeling: what have I gotten myself in to?

I am one for procrastination when it comes to homework and reading chapters and taking notes and what not. I really tend to prefer to watch netflix or game of thrones. However this year I really want to change that. I've dropped out of one school to be in another for a completely different program and I want to make that worthwhile. ja feel? 

Right now I have 11 chapters of reading, 11 chapters of notes to go along with those readings, 5 quizzes, and a midterm within the next week. That's right, before monday. It's saturday night. I don't know about you but that feels like a hell of a lot more than I'm used to. It feels impossible. 

I want to be able to power through this and I encourage everyone who's feeling a similar way to try and power through whatever they're facing as well! 

Hopefully this overwhelmed feeling will start to subside. 


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  1. That's quite a bit of work!! You'll get it done though! :)
    What program are you taking in school?


    1. I'm in a business admin degree and really enjoying it so far. Thank you for the kind comment :)
