Monday, September 15, 2014

Ways to be Productive

One of the things that I - and i'm sure many others - struggle with is being productive. I understand the need for an occasional down day here and there but there is no reason to be sitting on the couch watching Netflix day after day (I wouldn't complain though). I don't know about you, but I find that I need to complete certain steps and precautions in order to make sure that I'm completing everything that I need to. 

This being said, I figured I would put together a list of things that might help others out there remain or become productive. 

1. Lists. Lists are fantastic, I love lists. You can ask my mother this, she will 100% agree. I'm not sure where I got the particular love for lists from, but it's my life saver. Writing down what you need to do in a list and then checking it off as you go along is a great way to visually see exactly what you're getting done and what you still need to do. 

2. Arrange your days ahead of time. Calendars are great for this (they're great regardless, but especially for this). I personally like to take the month calendar and fill it out with my classes, work, coffee dates, mini trips, etc. It definitely helps when it comes to keeping track of what your day contains and it visually helps to solidify a schedule. 

3. Keep a day planner. This is something that I need to get on. Is it weird that I've wanted to splurge on a gorgeous day planner for myself for ages now? I feel like I'm 28, not 18. This goes with the same idea of arranging your days on a calendar, only this one is portable AND cute. I can't really see where one could go wrong with that. As long as it fits in your purse - or man satchel - you're good to go! 

4. Always keep 'me time' in between. Everyone needs to relax. I would love to keep chugging through the days and be the most productive person ever and solve world hunger and things like that, but let's be honest. Not possible. It's okay to give yourself a break here and there. Schedule it in and make sure that you keep it free for yourself so that you don't feel over worked in the future. 

5. Always be reasonable with what you give yourself. You're not going to be able to get done 20 big things in one day, how about shooting for 2 big things and 5 small things. You can balance this out to your liking, but my point is not to over-do it. 

6. Don't worry if you don't complete everything, just re-assign it. As long as you give yourself time before due dates and such, there's no reason why it should be the end of the world if you don't complete something on the day you've scheduled yourself to finish it. If you've had a hectic day and you've completed as many things as you can and you're going to collapse if you don't hop in the bath with a LUSH bath bomb, give yourself a break and take that bath. Deal with whatever task it is in the morning, or the next afternoon. All will be well. 

7. Lastly, if all else fails, bake cookies! That's technically being productive, right? 

Thanks for the read xx

**Please share your ideas for being productive in the comments below so that I can add to my list and you can give each other ideas that I might not have covered. 

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